Okay, so I got really curious about this whole Aries man thing, you know, the whole “will they stalk you” vibe. I mean, I’ve dated a couple of Aries guys before, and things got pretty intense, but not like, creepy intense. Still, the question stuck with me, so I decided to do a little digging of my own.
My Little Experiment
First, I created a new email, social media accounts and made everything anonymous. I didn’t use my real name or any pictures of myself, just to make sure things were totally unbiased.
Then, I went on some dating apps and started talking to some Aries guys. I made sure they didn’t know the real me or anything, I was just being myself, you know, minus the identifying details. I chatted with them for a while, got to know them a bit, and then, I did the unthinkable. I ghosted them. Yep, just straight up stopped replying. I felt a little bad, but hey, it’s for science, right?
The Waiting Game
- Aries Man #1: This guy, let’s call him “Ram,” was super into me. He sent me a lot of messages after I went silent. At first, he was all concerned, like “Hey, are you okay?” Then he got a little pushy, “Did I do something wrong?” And finally, he just kind of gave up. No stalking, just a bit of a bruised ego, I guess.
- Aries Man #2: “Blaze” was a different story. He didn’t message me much after I ghosted him. In fact, I think he unmatched me after a day or two. This guy was more of the “out of sight, out of mind” type.
- Aries Man #3: Okay, “Firecracker” was a little intense. He found my anonymous social media account – I have no idea how – and sent me a friend request. I ignored it, obviously. Then he sent me a message on another platform. I didn’t reply. He didn’t send any more messages, but I know he tried to contact me. Creepy, right?
The Results
So, what did I learn from my little experiment? Well, it seems like the whole “Aries men are stalkers” thing is a bit of a myth. Some Aries guys might be a bit persistent, even a little intense, but most of them seem to move on pretty quickly if you’re not interested. I mean, Firecracker was a bit much, but he wasn’t exactly hiding in the bushes outside my house, you know?

At the end of the day, I guess it’s more about the individual person than their zodiac sign. There are some weird people, sure, but it is not all Aries men. I’m glad I did this little experiment, though. It was kind of fun, and it definitely put my mind at ease about the whole Aries stalking thing.