Man, I’ve been messing around with astrology lately, just for kicks, you know? And today, I decided to dive into my own birth chart, specifically looking at my Sun in Pisces and Moon in Leo. Let me tell you, it was a wild ride.
First, I grabbed my birth details – date, time, and place. Needed that to get the whole picture. Then I jumped onto one of those free astrology websites. There are tons of them out there, so I just picked one that looked decent. Typed in all my info, and bam! There was my chart, all colorful and full of symbols.
Now, I’m no expert, but I’ve read up a bit on this stuff. So, I started with my Sun sign. Pisces, that’s me. It’s all about being dreamy, intuitive, and a bit of an emotional sponge. I thought about that for a while. Does that sound like me? I guess I do daydream a lot and I’m pretty sensitive, so yeah, it kinda fits.
Then I moved on to my Moon sign, which is in Leo. Leo Moon, that’s supposed to be all dramatic, expressive, and needing some attention. I sat there, staring at the screen. This part felt a little weird. I mean, I like being around people, but the center of attention? Not really my style.

So, I dug a little deeper. I scrolled through the website, reading about how the Sun and Moon interact. Apparently, having a Pisces Sun and a Leo Moon can be a bit of a contradiction. Like, you’ve got this sensitive, go-with-the-flow side, but then there’s also this inner lion that wants to roar and be seen.
Mixing Water and Fire
- Pisces is a water sign.
- Leo is a fire sign.
I started pacing around my room, thinking about all this. It actually made some sense. I’ve always felt this pull in different directions. Sometimes I just want to chill and be creative, other times I get this burst of energy and want to do something big and bold.
The website also talked about the aspects between my Sun and Moon, which is like the angle between them in the chart. Mine are in something called a “quincunx,” which apparently means there can be some tension there. Like, my emotional needs (Moon) might not always line up with my core personality (Sun).
I spent the rest of the afternoon just pondering all this. It was like holding up a mirror to myself and seeing some things I hadn’t really noticed before. It didn’t magically solve all my problems or anything, but it definitely gave me some food for thought.
Honestly, the whole experience was pretty cool. It’s like having a new lens to look at yourself through. I’m not sure if I totally buy into all of it, but it’s definitely fun to explore. And who knows, maybe it’ll help me understand myself a little better. I might even keep doing this, checking out other parts of my chart. It’s a pretty interesting way to spend a rainy afternoon, that’s for sure.