Okay, so I’ve been messing around with this whole astrology thing, trying to figure out what makes me tick. My sun sign is Sagittarius and my moon sign is Scorpio. Sounds kinda intense, right? Well, let me tell you, it’s been a journey.
Figuring out what’s what
First off, I had to figure out what all this meant. I’m a Sagittarius, so naturally, I’m all about freedom, adventure, and just generally being a happy-go-lucky kind of person. At least, that’s what I thought. But then there’s this Scorpio moon lurking in the shadows. Scorpios are known for being, well, a bit more intense, emotional, and maybe even a little secretive.
Putting the pieces together
So, how do these two very different energies play out in my life? I started by reading everything I could get my hands on about Sagittarius and Scorpio. Then, I tried to connect those descriptions to my own experiences.
- Noticed my Sagittarian side whenever I felt that itch to travel or learn something new.
- Recognized the Scorpio moon when I had those deep, introspective moments, or when I felt fiercely passionate about something.
Digging deeper
It wasn’t just about reading, though. I had to get real with myself. I started journaling about my feelings, paying attention to my reactions in different situations, and even talking to my friends about it. (They probably thought I was going a bit nuts, but hey, it was worth it.)

The lightbulb moment
The biggest “aha” moment came when I realized that these two sides of me, the adventurous Sagittarian and the intense Scorpio, aren’t really fighting each other. They’re actually working together, like a weird, cosmic team. My Sagittarian sun is the part of me that wants to go out and experience the world, while my Scorpio moon is the part that helps me understand those experiences on a deeper level. And sometimes it feels like some conflicts inside me.
Still figuring it out
I’m still figuring this whole thing out, and I probably always will be. But it’s been a pretty cool journey so far. I’ve learned a lot about myself, and I’m starting to understand why I am the way I am. It’s like having a secret decoder ring for my own personality.
So, if you’re into astrology, I definitely recommend looking into your own sun and moon signs. It might just help you make sense of yourself, too. Or maybe you’ll just think it’s a bunch of hooey. Either way, it’s been an interesting ride for me, and who knows where this Sag/Scorpio combo will take me next. It’s been a wild ride, to say the least.