Okay, so I’ve been messing around with this Capricorn guy, and things were going pretty good, you know? But lately, it’s been kinda…stale. Like, he’s still into me, but it’s not the same fire we had at the beginning. I figured I needed to shake things up a bit, maybe make him a little jealous and see if that sparks things up again. So, here’s what I did.
Dipping My Toes in the Water
First, I started being a little more, shall we say, “socially active.” Nothing crazy, just flirting a bit more with other guys when we were out. I made sure he saw me laughing at their jokes, touching their arms, you know, the usual stuff. I could tell it was getting under his skin a little, which was a good sign.
Upping the Ante
- I started posting more on social media. Pictures with friends, some of them guys. Not romantic or anything, but just enough to make him wonder.
- I casually mentioned a couple of “coincidental” run-ins with an old guy friend. Nothing happened, of course, but it was enough to plant a little seed of doubt in his mind.
- I also started being a little less available. Not completely ghosting him, but taking a little longer to respond to texts, being “busy” with other plans sometimes.
Watching the Fireworks (or Lack Thereof)
Honestly, the results were mixed. He definitely noticed the changes. He got a little quieter, a little more withdrawn. He asked a few pointed questions, but I played it cool, acted like nothing was different. I could feel that he’s jealous, it’s not hard to tell. But you know what? He didn’t really do much about it.
The Verdict
So, did I make him jealous? Yeah, I think so. Did it reignite the passion? Not really. It made things a little more tense, but it didn’t magically solve our problems. Maybe it is true that Capricorn men are very hard to show their emotions. I guess making a Capricorn man jealous isn’t the magic bullet I thought it would be. It might work for some, but for me, it just kind of highlighted the fact that we need to actually talk about our issues instead of playing games. So, that’s my next move. Wish me luck.

Anyway, that’s my experience. Maybe you guys have had better luck with this kind of thing. Let me know in the comments.