Alright, let’s talk about this Pluto thingy and Capricorn moon, whatever that means. I ain’t no fancy astrologer, but I heard folks chattin’ about it, so I figured I’d tell ya what I think, ya know, like a regular person.
So, this Pluto, it’s been messin’ with Capricorn for a while now, since like, 2008 they say. That’s a long time, even for an old hen like me! Sounds like it’s been a tough time for everyone, lots of changes and hustle-bustle, like tryin’ to catch a greased pig at the county fair.
What’s this Pluto in Capricorn all about, anyway?
From what I gather, Capricorn is all about rules and bein’ responsible, you know, like payin’ your bills on time and not lettin’ your chickens run wild in the neighbor’s yard. And Pluto, well, that fella seems to like shakin’ things up, turnin’ everything upside down like a tornado in a trailer park. So, when Pluto’s in Capricorn, it’s like a big ol’ wrestling match between doin’ things the right way and changin’ everything up.

- It seems like Pluto’s been tellin’ us to look at the rules, the big bosses, and the whole darn system and ask, “Is this really workin’?”
- Maybe it’s about fixin’ things that are broken, like a leaky roof or a fence post that’s rotted through.
- Or maybe it’s about makin’ sure the people in charge ain’t just lookin’ out for themselves, but for everyone, you know? Like a good shepherd watchin’ over the whole flock, not just the fattest sheep.
Now, they say Pluto’s leavin’ Capricorn soon, in 2024. Sounds like a good thing to me. Enough’s enough, right? But they also say we gotta learn from all this craziness. It’s like plantin’ seeds durin’ a storm – gotta make sure them little sprouts take root and grow strong, even after the wind stops blowin’.
And what about havin’ a Capricorn moon?
Well, I ain’t sure how that fits in, but from what I heard, your moon sign is about your feelings, your inside stuff. So, if you got a Capricorn moon, you probably like things steady and safe, like a warm fire on a cold night. And with Pluto stirrin’ the pot, that probably felt kinda uncomfortable, like a rock in your shoe.
Maybe you had to change how you thought about things, how you felt about things. Maybe you had to learn to be tough, like an old boot, but still soft on the inside, like a feather pillow. Or maybe you had to learn to let go of some things, things you thought you needed but really didn’t, like that old junk in the attic you keep swearin’ you’ll sort through someday. It’s like clearin’ out the clutter, both in your house and in your head.
What’s the big lesson in all of this?
Seems to me like this whole Pluto in Capricorn thing is about growin’ up, takin’ responsibility, and makin’ things better, not just for ourselves, but for everyone. It’s about standin’ up for what’s right, even when it’s hard, like standin’ up to that bully at the school picnic who was hoggin’ all the potato salad.
It’s about learnin’ to be strong and resilient, like a weed pokin’ through the concrete. And it’s about makin’ sure the changes we make stick around, like a good quilt that keeps you warm winter after winter. It ain’t easy, that’s for sure. But like my grandma used to say, “Nothin’ worth havin’ comes easy, unless you’re stealin’ chickens, and even then you gotta be quick!”
So, if you’ve been feelin’ the squeeze of this Pluto in Capricorn thing, don’t worry, you ain’t alone. We’re all in this together, like a bunch of cows in a muddy pasture. Just keep your head up, keep movin’ forward, and remember to take care of yourself and the folks around you. And if you got a Capricorn moon, well, maybe give yourself an extra slice of pie. You deserve it.
In the end, it’s all about changin’, growin’, and tryin’ to make the world a little bit better place, even if it’s just one weed at a time, one fence post at a time, or one less bully at the picnic.
Tags: [Pluto, Capricorn, Astrology, Moon Sign, Transit, Transformation, Change, Personal Growth, Lessons Learned]