Hey there, y’all! Let’s gab a bit about them folks born under the Aquarius sun and Scorpio moon. You know, them star signs and all that. Folks say it tells you a thing or two about a person. I dunno how much I believe, but it’s fun to jaw about, ain’t it?
So, what’s the deal with these Aquarius sun, Scorpio moon people? Well, first off, they’re kinda like a mule – stubborn as heck! That Aquarius sun makes ’em wanna do their own thing, be independent and all. And that Scorpio moon? Whew! That’s where the fire comes from. They got strong feelings, real strong, and a will of iron. They ain’t gonna back down easy, that’s for sure.
These folks, they got big dreams. And they ain’t just sittin’ around waitin’ for things to happen. Nope, they go out and get it. They work hard, real hard. And if things go sideways? They don’t go around blaming everyone else. They look in the mirror and say, “Yep, that was me.” Now, some folks might see that as bein’ stuck-up, but it ain’t. It’s just them bein’ honest with themselves. They know they ain’t perfect, and they ain’t afraid to admit it.
- They’re driven: Like a hound dog on a scent, they are. Once they set their mind to something, watch out! They’ll get it done, come hell or high water.
- They’re intense: Don’t expect no wishy-washy from these folks. They feel things deep, real deep. And they ain’t afraid to show it, neither.
- They’re independent: Good luck tryin’ to tell ‘em what to do. They’ll listen, maybe, but they’ll do what they think is best in the end. Just like a cat, they are.
Now, if you’re lookin’ to catch the eye of a Scorpio moon fella, you gotta be smart, real smart. And you gotta have a bit of mystery about ya. Don’t lay all your cards on the table right away. Keep him guessin’. And for goodness sake, don’t be clingy! These folks need their space. Give ‘em room to breathe, and they’ll come back to ya, waggin’ their tails like a happy pup.

And who gets along with these Scorpio moon types? Well, they seem to cotton to them Aries moon folks, the Capricorn moon folks, the Pisces moon folks, and even them Taurus moon folks. I reckon it’s ‘cause they all understand that deep down, emotional kinda stuff. The Aries and Scorpio moons, they both got that fire in their belly. They want to get ahead in life, and they ain’t afraid to go for it. They kinda egg each other on, you know?
Them Aquarius moon folks, on the other hand, they’re a different breed. They’re all about the thinkin’ part of things. They want someone who can talk about ideas, who’s curious about the world. They wanna learn new stuff, all the time. They ain’t gonna be happy with someone who just wants to sit around and watch TV all day. They need a partner who can keep up with ‘em, mentally.
So, there ya have it. A little bit about them Aquarius sun, Scorpio moon folks. They’re a complicated bunch, that’s for sure. But they’re also strong, determined, and passionate. If you got one in your life, hold on tight. They’re worth it.
Now, mind you, this is all just talk. Stars and moons and all that. The real measure of a person ain’t in the sky, it’s in their heart. But it’s fun to think about, ain’t it? Just like readin’ them tea leaves or lookin’ at the clouds. It gives you somethin’ to ponder on, somethin’ to jaw about with your neighbors.
And remember, whether you believe in this astrology stuff or not, treatin’ folks with kindness and respect, that’s what really matters. That’s somethin’ every ol’ lady knows, star signs or no star signs.

Tags: [Aquarius, Scorpio, Moon, Sun, Astrology, Personality, Zodiac, Relationships, Compatibility]