Today, I messed around with something called “TWA Constellation.” It’s kinda like making your website into an app, but without all the complicated stuff. Sounds cool, right? Well, let me tell you how it went.
Getting Started
First, I needed to get my website ready. This meant making sure it worked well on mobile and had all the fancy stuff that apps usually have, like a manifest file. This file tells the phone what the app icon should look like, what colors to use, and things like that. It wasn’t too hard, mostly just copying and pasting some code and changing a few things around.
Using Bubblewrap
Next, I found this tool called Bubblewrap. It’s like a magic wand that turns your website into an Android App Bundle. You just install it using npm or yarn, and then run a few commands. I had to point it to my website’s URL and the manifest file. It felt like I was a real programmer for a moment there! It chugged along for a bit, and then… boom! I had my App Bundle.
Signing the App
But wait, there’s more. To make sure my app was safe and no one messed with it, I had to “sign” it. Think of it like putting your signature on a document. Bubblewrap can do this for you automatically, or you can use your own key if you have one. It is a bit technical, but there are lots of tutorials online, so I managed to figure it out.

Now came the fun part – testing! I connected my Android phone to my computer and installed the app. Seeing my website’s icon on my phone’s home screen was pretty awesome. I tapped it, and there it was, my website, but it felt like a real app. It was smooth, it loaded fast, and it didn’t have the browser bar at the top. Success!
Finally, if I wanted to share my app with the world, I could upload it to the Google Play Store. I didn’t do this yet, because I am still playing around with it. But the process seemed pretty straightforward. You need a developer account, which costs a bit of money, and then you fill out some forms, upload your App Bundle, and wait for Google to approve it.
So, that’s my TWA adventure for today. It was a bit of a learning curve, but overall, it was a pretty cool experience. I turned my website into an app, without having to learn Java, Kotlin or become an Android developer. If you have a website and you’re curious about making it into an app, give TWA a try. It’s easier than you think!