Today, I wanted to dive into the lyrics of a song that’s been stuck in my head, “La Buena y La Mala” by Banda Tierra Sagrada. I first heard this song a few weeks ago, and the catchy tune immediately hooked me. But as I listened more, I realized the lyrics had a deeper story to tell. So, I decided to really dig into the words and see what this song is all about.
I started by looking up the lyrics online. Found a few different versions, which was interesting in itself. Some sites had slightly different wording, but the gist was the same. It seems to be a common thing with song lyrics.
Next, I played the song while reading along with the lyrics. This helped me to connect the words with the music and get a better feel for the rhythm and flow. The song is in Spanish, which I’m not fluent in, so I also looked up a translation of the lyrics into English.
- Y esta es Tierra Sagrada De Mazatln, Sinaloa, viejo
- Me gusta tomarte la mano
- I like to hold your hand entering the cinema
- Show off your beautyTags:TierraBanda
The translation helped a lot. I could now understand the story the song was telling. It’s about a guy who’s wrestling with his feelings for two different women, “the good one” and “the bad one.”
Then, I watched the music video. This added another layer to my understanding. The video portrays the story visually, showing the contrast between the two women and the singer’s internal struggle.
I also did some digging into the band, Banda Tierra Sagrada. I found out they’re a popular group from Mazatlan, Sinaloa, known for their banda music. Learning about the band’s background gave me a bit more context for the song and its style.
My Findings
After all this, I feel like I have a pretty good grasp of the song “La Buena y La Mala.” It’s a catchy tune with a relatable story about love and choices. The lyrics are well-written, and the music video is engaging. I’m glad I took the time to dive into this song.
- Es un dilema, es un problema
- Lo s y lo sostengo
- Y no est en mis manos ser enamorado
- Ser un poco cursi
- The bad one, gives me the good thing
- Gives me her venom
- The bad one, she gives me the good stuff
- She gives me her poison
I will continue to enjoy this song. It made me more aware of the meaning behind the lyrics. It’s always a good song to listen to. I might even try to learn some Spanish so I can sing along better!