Okay, so, I was trying to figure out how to make this Aries guy miss me. It was quite the experiment, let me tell you.
First, I decided I needed to do stuff without him. Like, seriously, I planned a whole weekend getaway with my friends. No room for him in the picture. It felt kinda weird at first, but it was liberating. I was actually having fun without worrying about what he was up to. I made sure to post some pictures too, you know, just to subtly show him I was living my best life.
Then, I remembered reading somewhere that Aries men like feeling all macho and stuff. So, whenever I saw him after a workout, I made a point to compliment his biceps or something. I would say things like, “Wow, those arms are looking good, did you change your workout routine?” It was a bit awkward, but I think it worked. He seemed to puff up a little each time. I even started to go to the gym so I can bump into him, and it made me feel good too.
Another thing I did was to avoid being, like, a total pushover. I wanted him to chase me a little, you know? So, I wasn’t always available. Sometimes, I would take a while to respond to his texts. Or I would be busy with other plans. I wasn’t rude about it, just, you know, not jumping at every chance to see him. I wanted to show him that I have a life outside of him, and that I wasn’t just sitting around waiting for him to call.

And lastly, I tried to be, well, valuable. Not in a materialistic way, but just like, someone he would actually miss having around. I listened to him when he talked about his passions, I offered advice when he needed it, and I tried to be a positive force in his life. I wanted him to see me as someone he couldn’t just replace easily. I worked on myself, you know? I read more, I focused on my hobbies, I just generally tried to be a better version of myself, and I think he noticed that.
- Plan a weekend away with friends.
- Compliment his body after a workout.
- Don’t be a pushover.
- Be valuable.
It was a process, and honestly, it was also about making myself happy. But I think all these things combined did the trick. He started reaching out more, initiating plans, and generally seemed more invested. So yeah, that’s my story of how I made an Aries man miss me.