Okay, so, I’ve been crushing on this Capricorn guy for a while now, and I finally decided to take the plunge and try to get him to notice me. I mean, really notice me. I’m talking full-on obsession. Here’s how I went about it.
First off, I started paying more attention to how I presented myself. I know Capricorns are all about appearances, so I started dressing nicer, not like, super fancy or anything, but just more put-together. I picked out outfits that I felt good in, that made me feel confident. I swapped out my old, ratty t-shirts for some nice blouses and made sure my shoes were clean. You know, just showing I cared about how I looked.
Then, I tried to show off my smarts. I know these guys dig brains, so I started talking about things I was actually interested in. No more pretending to like stuff just to impress him. I talked about books I’d read, articles I found interesting, and my own opinions on things. I figured, even if he didn’t agree with everything, at least he’d see I had a mind of my own.
We found a shared interest!
I also tried to tap into his sense of humor. I found some dry, witty jokes online and started casually slipping them into conversations. I even got a few genuine laughs out of him! Turns out, we actually share a similar sense of humor. He’s not just some stoic, serious guy all the time. It was a great feeling to find a common ground with him.

The biggest thing, though, was showing him I supported his goals. This guy’s ambitious, like all Capricorns, so I started asking him about his dreams and what he wanted to achieve. I listened when he talked about his plans and offered words of encouragement. I think it meant a lot to him that I took an interest and believed in him. I became his sounding board, always there to offer advice and help him relax.
Start to mirror him.
I also started subtly mirroring him. I mean, I didn’t copy everything he did, but if he leaned in, I leaned in. If he crossed his arms, I crossed mine. It’s a psychological trick, I guess, to build rapport. And I think it worked, because he started opening up more and more. I made him feel that I was unique to him.
It wasn’t a quick process. It took time and effort. But slowly, I started to see a change. He started initiating conversations more, seeking me out, and just generally paying more attention to me. He even started confiding in me about his worries and anxieties. I became the person he came to when he needed to unwind and forget about his stress. This made me feel so happy.
He finally asked me out!
And then, finally, he asked me out! I couldn’t believe it. All that effort actually paid off. We’ve been on a few dates now, and it’s been amazing. He’s still a bit reserved, but I can tell he’s really into me. And yeah, I think he might be a little obsessed, just like I wanted. I got a little obsessed with him too.
So, that’s my story. It’s not about manipulating someone or playing games. It’s about showing a Capricorn man that you see him, you appreciate him, and you’re willing to put in the effort to connect with him on his level. And who knows, maybe you’ll end up with a loving, loyal, and slightly obsessed Capricorn man of your own.