Okay, so I gotta tell you about this whole Moon in the first house with a Sagittarius ascendant thing I’ve been dealing with. I started noticing some patterns in how I was feeling and acting, and it was kind of freaking me out a little, to be honest.
So, I started digging around. I read a bunch of stuff online, trying to figure out what was up. I found out that having the Moon in your first house, especially with a Sagittarius rising, can make you, like, super emotional. Not in a bad way, necessarily, but just, you know, a lot of feels. And those feels? They can be pretty intense and can change like the weather. I definitely started seeing that in myself – one minute I’d be all happy and optimistic, and the next I’d be down in the dumps over something small.
And being a Sagittarius rising? That just adds fuel to the fire, literally. It’s like this restless energy that makes you want to explore everything, learn everything, do everything. I’ve always been like that, but lately, it’s been on overdrive. I’d start a new project, get super excited about it, and then a few days later, I’d be bored and on to the next thing. It was exhausting!
I decided to try to keep track of how I was feeling and what I was doing. I used a regular notebook and wrote down my actions and feelings. I noted the date and time. It was kind of messy at first. I kept forgetting to write stuff down. But after a while, I started seeing a pattern. It was like, “Oh, that’s why I was feeling that way that day!” It really helped me to see how these two things – the Moon and my ascendant – were working together.

Trying to Find Some Balance
- Exercise: I started to focus on some things that I thought could help me to deal with the emotional ups and downs. For example, I’ve always loved being outdoors, so I started going for more walks and hikes. That seemed to help calm me down a bit.
- Journaling: I kept writing things down. Even if it was just a few sentences each day, it really did help to get the emotions out. It was like talking to a friend, but without having to worry about being judged.
- Meditation: I also tried meditation. I’m not very good at it, but even just a few minutes of quiet time each day makes a difference.
- Talking to Friends: I also started talking to some of my close friends about it. They were surprisingly understanding. Some of them even had similar experiences!
It’s not like everything is perfect now, but I definitely feel more in control. I’m learning to embrace the good parts of this combination – the creativity, the passion, the sense of adventure. And I’m getting better at managing the not-so-good parts – the mood swings, the restlessness. It’s a work in progress, for sure, but I feel like I’m finally starting to figure things out. I keep using my notebook to write things down. The notebook helps me a lot. And I will keep it updated.
Anyway, that’s my story. If any of this sounds familiar, maybe check out your own birth chart. It’s pretty wild what you can learn about yourself!