Alright, let’s talk about this Capricorn thing, whatever they call it, a “stellium.” Sounds fancy, but it ain’t nothin’ too complicated, ya hear? It’s just like havin’ a whole bunch of planets huddled up together in one spot in the sky when you were born. Like a bunch of chickens all peckin’ at the same feed, you know?
So, if you got a bunch of these planets in Capricorn, that means…well, it means somethin’, that’s for sure. People say it makes you want to climb the ladder, always strivin’ for somethin’ better. Like tryin’ to get the biggest pumpkin at the county fair, always workin’ hard. But sometimes, you get so busy workin’ you forget to live. Folks get like that, I seen it. Just chasin’ after that next dollar or that next big thing and forgettin’ their family and friends.
What’s it all mean, this Capricorn stuff?
Now, they say Capricorn folks born around the late 80s and early 90s got a lot of this Saturn and Uranus stuff goin’ on. Don’t ask me what them planets are, they’re just names to me. But seems like a whole bunch of young’uns got this Capricorn thing in their charts. Means they’re probably real serious-like, always plannin’ and schemin’ for the future. Nothin’ wrong with that, long as you don’t forget to have a little fun now and then.

- They say Capricorns ain’t got time for feelin’s. Always gotta be tough and in control. Maybe so, maybe not. Every person’s different, I always say.
- And some folks with this Capricorn thing can be bossy. Always tellin’ you what to do. Well, nobody likes a bossy-boots, that’s for sure.
- They also say you could be kinda cold, like you don’t care about nothin’. But that ain’t always true, sometimes people just hide their feelin’s deep down. Like a turtle in its shell.
This fella, LeBron James, they say he’s got one of these Capricorn thingamajigs. Sun, Jupiter, and whatever that Uranus thing is, all in Capricorn. He’s done alright for himself, that’s for sure. Always winnin’ championships and such. So maybe there’s somethin’ to it, this Capricorn power.
But where’s this Capricorn energy sittin’? That’s the real question.
Now, this is where it gets a bit tricky. They say it matters what “house” this Capricorn stuff is in. Think of it like this: the planets are the folks, and the houses are the rooms in the house. So, depending on which room them planets are hangin’ out in, that changes things. The first house, they say that’s all about you. Your body, your personality, all that stuff. So, if your Capricorn planets are in that first house, well, that Capricorn stuff is gonna be a big part of who you are. It will be strong in you, like a good cup of coffee. But if it’s in another house, well, it might not be so obvious.
It’s like plantin’ seeds, ya know? You plant ’em in good soil, they grow strong and tall. But plant ’em in bad soil, and they might not grow at all. Same with this Capricorn thing. It all depends on where it’s sittin’ in your chart.
So, what does it all mean? Well, I reckon it means you gotta work hard, but you also gotta remember to live your life. Don’t get so caught up in chasin’ after that next big thing that you forget to enjoy the small things. Like a good cup of coffee in the mornin’ or a warm fire on a cold night. And don’t be too bossy or too cold to the folks around you. That’s my two cents, anyway.

It’s like a whole bunch of things all mixed up together. You might get more out of it when you think about the whole picture, all them parts workin’ together like a well-oiled machine. Or not. Sometimes, life just happens, and you can’t explain it, no matter how many planets you got lined up in a row.
But that’s just my way of lookin’ at it, ya know? You gotta figure things out for yourself. Nobody can tell you who you are or what you’re gonna be. Just gotta keep on livin’ and learnin’ as you go.
Tags: [Capricorn, Stellium, Astrology, Birth Chart, Capricorn Season, Horoscope, Zodiac, Planets, First House, Saturn, Uranus, Jupiter, LeBron James]