Okay, so, a while back, I got it into my head that I needed to figure out this whole “how to make a Scorpio man chase you” thing. I mean, I’d met this guy, a total Scorpio, and he was just…wow. But super mysterious, you know? So I did what any sensible person would do – I hit the internet, hard.
First off, I started reading everything I could find about Scorpio men. What makes them tick? What are they into? I learned that they’re kinda like hunters. They love a good chase. So, I figured, okay, I gotta be the prey, but like, the really elusive, intriguing kind.
Playing it Cool
I decided to play it cool. I mean, really cool. I acted all aloof and a bit mysterious myself. I’d chat with him, be friendly, but I wouldn’t always be available. Sometimes I’d be like, “Oh, I’m busy tonight,” even if I was just gonna be home watching Netflix in my pajamas. It was all about creating that little bit of distance, you know? Making him wonder what I was up to.
Give him space
Then, at the beginning of the “investigation,” I tried the whole “no contact” thing, especially after the first date. I wouldn’t text him right away. I’d wait, let him be the one to reach out. Seemed like it worked since I saw he would actively view my social media. It was tough, not gonna lie, but I wanted to see if he’d make an effort. It’s like, you gotta give them space to miss you, right?

Being Authentic
- Show genuine interest: When we did talk, I made sure to really listen to him. I asked him about his passions, his work, whatever he was into. I could tell he appreciated that I was genuinely interested in what he had to say.
- Be a little mysterious: I didn’t reveal everything about myself right away. I’d drop little hints here and there, but I kept some things to myself. Just enough to keep him guessing, keep him wanting to learn more.
- But also be open: While I was being all mysterious, I also made sure to be open and honest with him, in my own way. It’s a balance, see? You gotta be a little mysterious, but not closed off.
And you know what? It kinda worked! He started initiating conversations more, asking me out, all that jazz. I think it’s because I wasn’t chasing him, I was just being me, but with a little strategic distance and a sprinkle of mystery. Of course, this isn’t some foolproof plan, every guy is different, but hey, it’s worth a shot, right? Just remember to be yourself, have fun with it, and don’t overthink it too much. It’s all about the journey, not just the destination.