Alright, so I’ve been dating this Virgo guy for a while now, and let me tell you, it’s been a bit of a puzzle. I mean, these guys are known for being practical, detail-oriented, and sometimes, a little reserved, right? So, the big question I had was: does a Virgo man like to be pursued?
I decided to do some digging and, well, experiment a little. Here’s how it went down:
Phase 1: Observing and Gathering Intel
First, I spent a good amount of time just observing him. You know, really paying attention to how he interacted with others, what he seemed to enjoy, and how he reacted to different situations. I noticed he was pretty meticulous and appreciated it when things were organized and well-thought-out. He also seemed to value deep conversations and intelligence.
So I started dropping some hints about my interest, subtle ones, like remembering small details he mentioned and bringing them up later, or showing genuine interest in his hobbies, which in his case are gardening and reading classic literature. Classic Virgo, right?

Phase 2: The Gentle Pursuit
Next, I moved on to a more direct, but still gentle, approach. Here’s what I tried:
- Initiating conversations: I started texting him first more often, asking about his day or sharing something interesting I thought he’d appreciate.
- Planning thoughtful dates: Instead of just suggesting “dinner,” I’d plan something I knew he’d like, like visiting a bookstore followed by a quiet dinner at a place with a nice ambiance.
- Showing appreciation: I made sure to express my gratitude for his time and efforts, whether it was a simple “thank you” or a small, thoughtful gift related to his interests.
Now, here’s where it got interesting. He seemed to respond well to these gestures. He became more engaged in our conversations, started initiating contact more often, and seemed genuinely happy during our dates.
Phase 3: The Direct Question
After a few weeks of this, I decided to just be upfront and ask him about it. I mean, communication is key, right? So, during one of our deep conversations, I casually brought up the topic of relationships and how different people prefer different approaches. I told him I sensed he might be a bit reserved when it comes to dating and asked if he preferred to be pursued or if he liked to take the lead.
His answer? He said he appreciated a woman who showed initiative and knew what she wanted. He found it attractive when someone was confident enough to express their interest, but he also valued subtlety and thoughtfulness. Bingo!
The Verdict
So, based on my little experiment, I’d say that, yes, a Virgo man does appreciate being pursued, but in a thoughtful and genuine way. They like to know that you’re interested, but they also appreciate it when you respect their need for space and don’t come on too strong. It’s all about finding that balance between showing initiative and being mindful of their personality.

Of course, every individual is different, and this is just my personal experience. But if you’re interested in a Virgo man, don’t be afraid to make the first move, just remember to do it in a way that shows you’ve put some thought into it. After all, that’s what these guys appreciate the most, right?